event 10 y 11 - January

Pilgrims arrive in Central America

event 12 - January | Pilgrims of hope and joy

Inaugural Mass, held simultaneously in each country that makes up the Central American Province of the Society of Jesus.

event 13 to 17 - January

Departure for the sites where pilgrims will have their Experiences
[See details of the Experiences by country]

  • 13 - January | United in the same faith and hope
  • 14 - January | Called to build the Kingdom
  • 15 - January | Mission of reconciliation and justice
  • 16 - January | Peace builders
  • 17 - January | Care for creation
event 18 - January | Our instrument is your Word

Travel to Panama. The youth will arrive in different groups, from midday on January 18th until midday on the 19th.
Transportation from the Tocumen Airport to Colegio Javier.
Placement of youth with their host families.

event 19 - January | Like Mary, we carry the Word

First meeting of all the pilgrims of Mag+s 2019.
Reception of all the pilgrims in Colegio Javier.
Recreational activities.
Dinner and evening events.

event 20 - January | Your Word transforms

Integration Day and the Festival of Nations.
Work with the Central American Commission of Methodology and Spirituality.
Dinner and the Festival of Nations.

event 21 - January | Collecting the harvest

Recovery of the Experience and Day of Prayer.
Work with the Central American Commission of Methodology and Spirituality.
Mass with Fr. Arturo Sosa, S.J., Father General of the Society of Jesus.
Commissioning for World Youth Day.

event 22 - January

Mass with Fr. Generak Arturo Sosa, S.J.
and closure of MAG+S Central America 2019.

event 22 to 27 - January

Program of World Youth Day 2019 (WYD).

event 28 - January

Pilgrims return to their home country.